AI Take over Writing? Not a Chance!

Vipin Labroo
2 min readAug 14, 2023
Photo by cottonbro studio:

AI Take over Writing-Not a Chance!

To all the writers bemoaning their fate, fearing the imminent takeover of their jobs by AI, my sincere advice is to “Stop the whining and start writing!” AI as it exists today is too dumb to even attempt to replace writers. I am also willing to go out on a limb to say that it never can-no matter how much it evolves. A technology that requires us to prompt it, and turns to content already created by us to regurgitate what we created cannot even begin to replace us. It makes no sense.

AI is not a life form that will try and supplant us. I am not too sure that it will ever be in competition with us for the control of planet Earth and its resources, even if we teach it to think autonomously one day. Parents train their children to be autonomous of them, yet they never really do, even with all the freedom they have. Do you think that mankind with its programmed proclivity to be self-centred, manipulative and primed to survive at all costs will ever let that happen?

The great sci-fi writer Arthur C Clarke believed that the day is not far when mechanical life will replace organic life and not only should we not resist it, we should probably look at it as something evolutionary that was bound to happen. He likened it to the Homo Sapiens wiping out the Neanderthals. Again bunkum! AI is nothing but another…



Vipin Labroo

I am an author, blogger, content creator and PR consultant and share my views freely & passionately. Follow me on