Do Developers Need to Fear AI?

Vipin Labroo
3 min readJun 18, 2024

Whether developers need to fear AI or look at it with hope is open to debate, but the fact of the matter is that they are all definitely nervous about what it entails for them.

These fears range from concerns about AI replacing them altogether to whether they will need to acquire new skills in a world where developers are increasingly using AI coding assistant tools to help them enhance both the quality of their coding and its output.

While there is no doubt about the fact that new-age AI tools like GitHub Copilot, ChatGPT, and Cognition AI’s Devin can do a lot of the stuff that software engineers do admirably well, their emergence on the scene might end up benefiting human developers than harming them. It will, in fact, make software development less dreary, thereby leading to enhanced productivity.

What’s more, by learning to collaborate with AI, developers could leverage the latter’s capabilities to come up with highly innovative solutions.

Far from fearing AI, developers should fearlessly embrace it. All that AI does is that it helps automate part of the software development process. What is important to note here is that software engineering requires much more than technical skills. It needs the essential human elements of critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to solve problems.

While AI tools may be able to perform tasks that involve typing keystrokes or searching for code snippets, these will not really be able to replace the critical…



Vipin Labroo

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