Does it matter who forms the government on June 4th?

Vipin Labroo
2 min readMay 30, 2024
Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

Does it really matter to you and I, as to who forms the government on June 4th? Come to think of it, there won’t be any consequences in our daily life whatsoever whether an NDA or INDIA block alliance forms the government at the centre. Leave aside the fact that the policies of either government on most affairs are going to be identical once they assume power (which they will trenchantly oppose when out of power), the fact of the matter is that it is the career politicians who have much to gain or lose-a Lutyens bungalow, an MP’s salary and countless privileges, the enormous clout that comes from being a minister and so on.

Whatever progress that the nation will make in the years ahead will be despite the government and not because of it. The political parties these days are in 24x7 election mode and consumed by what should be done to win the next municipal, district, assembly, state and central election. All their grand strategies, tactics and initiatives are driven by that and nothing else.

Take the ongoing 2024 election campaign, for instance. It is all about abusing each other in the worst way possible and declaring one hare-brained populist scheme after the other- never mind who will bear the cost of their reckless benevolence.



Vipin Labroo

I am an author, blogger, content creator and PR consultant and share my views freely & passionately. Follow me on