Will you lose your job to AI?

Vipin Labroo
5 min readJun 7, 2024

AI seems to be putting the jobs of everybody at stake. After all, it can substitute humans quite easily at almost everything it does and come up with better results in a whole range of jobs traditionally thought to be the sole preserve of regular people. AI is known to write, code, program, analyse, interpret and do anything that a thinking person can do.

Where does that leave teachers, lawyers, clerks, technology workers, surgeons and indeed pilots and soldiers? Will AI make them all redundant one not very far away day?

There will doubtless be job losses linked to AI adoption in the years ahead alongside new jobs that would have been created by it, but will all this be on a scale that ordinary folks going about the business of their life need to worry about? According to a Goldman Sachs forecast AI software may possibly automate the equivalent of as many as 300 million full-time roles worldwide by 2030.[1]

That notwithstanding the situation right now has more to do with companies figuring out if the high cost of AI deployment is worth the investment than actually replacing people on account of it. However, the situation is likely to evolve over the coming years, leading to an incremental increase in the adoption of AI around the world.

IMF estimates that AI will impact 40% of jobs worldwide by way of completely replacing some and complementing others.[2]It also holds that the impact of AI on jobs will be as much as 60% in advanced countries. It estimates that the impact of AI on…



Vipin Labroo

I am an author, blogger, content creator and PR consultant and share my views freely & passionately. Follow me on -linktr.ee/vipinlabroo